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Are brands sick of self-praise?

Illustration of, laptop, notebook, person reading

First there was a flat Earth. Flat as Italian pizza. From its shores, the oceans flowed in hectoliters, watering any circulation of water. Then the Earth inflated like a balloon and landed in the center of everything, like a navel in the middle of a big belly, and everything that glittered revolved around it. But then it turned out that what shines brightest is in the center, and the Earth is not only not in the center, but is also one of many other things altogether similar. What am I talking about? About the brand, of course. It was flat and bland at first - as if more local, showering some larger marketing efforts. Then she was stuffed with marketing, which inflated the balloon - there did not have to be much inside, but it is important that there was quite a lot outside. And so our brand swelled up like Smurf Ważniak and stood in the middle of everyone, weighing too much to move the “ass” to people, just flaunting itself. It was only here that it turned out that in reality the perspective is different - it is not the brand that stands in the center, but the people.

Mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful in the world...

A brand is like a person, and a person usually likes to talk about himself the most. And I'm sure to think about myself. But who would want to be friends with such an egoist? And so our brand was finally put under the nose of Snickers, who, according to popular beliefs, magically makes it stop being a star. Thus, he cured the self-centeredness of the brand and triggered pro-consumer behavior in it. And the brand noticed that it looks at the customer not from above, but from above.

About peanuts. The ones in chocolate

We buy with feelings and emotions — we like to get more than just a product, so a product is not everything, or actually not even a lot. It is such a nut covered with chocolate — it seems to be the most important one, but without chocolate it remains an ordinary nut. That is why brands surpass themselves in engaging us through content so engaging that we ourselves are happy to share it on social media; or through information and curiosities that surprise us. Thanks to this, we buy the product with many senses and we will love the brand for it. So peanut with peanut, but chocolate is sweet.

Brand: Yours, Yours — My

We like to have someone on hand when we need support, but at the same time we don't like it when someone gets tangled under our feet. And this is how brands try to get to know us — i.e. extract all the information from us — if only by cleverly asking for an email address. As a result, we get a more personalized offer and a brand of more satisfied customers.

Client: my, my, my best

Everyone thinks he is unique and it is better not to lead him out of error. The brand, since it no longer clings to its ego, knows how to accommodate ours — emphasizing how individual it approaches us — through personal food orders or bonuses only for regular customers. Cool — let alone giving the opportunity to design your product — shoes, handbag, bicycle, teddy bear. After all, these things will be ours, so the more we participate in their creation, the more involved we become.

A walk-through hallway or living room with sofas?

How many friends do you have on Facebook? And how many of them have you spoken to in recent months? A brand without friends who often visit it and always whisper something nice about it to others will not remain a brand for too long, because it lives only in the consciousness of customers. Therefore, the standard is already any loyalty programs that put on our finger a wedding ring, symbolizing a polygamous relationship with a given brand. What if we just jump between different brands? If we visit a store, do we hang around it for a while and leave? Well, an abandoned shopping cart in an online store is like a yogurt left on a shelf with chips in a brick-and-mortar store — a sad sight. And that cold, disappointed look at yogurt...

So, are brands sick of self-praise? As if they managed to deal with it a little, but after all, their comfort depends on the comfort of the customer. Thus, if a brand does not take the right dose of pro-consumer drugs, it will certainly be a fatal disease for it. But in a non-dangerous stage it is possible to live with it. As long as the customer doesn't want more...

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