Case studies
We have delivered 500+ projects and worked over 400 thousand hours. We are proud of each of our projects.
The results of our work
Here is a selection of projects we have delivered over the past years

Garden of Lights - Redesign of the platform and the shopping path
The main task was to redesign the shopping path to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. This project aimed not only to increase ticket sales, but also to strengthen the brand's image as a leader in creating incredible multimedia stories told with light and music.
Other projects
Want to learn more about our work? Below is a list of more than 100 selected projects completed over the past 15 years.
Przeobrażenie doświadczeń w podróży lotniczej
Przedstawiamy historię współpracy z firmą PLL LOT, jednym z wiodących przewoźników lotniczych w Polsce. Nasze działania obejmują szeroki zakres od propozycji redesignu wybranych elementów na stronie po badania UX i konsultacje, mające na celu usprawnienie i podniesienie jakości interakcji użytkowników z serwisem.

Space-themed gamification platform for business
We designed the UI of a gamification platform to manage complex business systems.

Developing tools for companies
We designed the interface of a tool for creating and supervising audits.

Supporting open source security assessment
We delivered a project for a platform assessing software security for businesses.

Upgrading sweet deliveries
We redesigned an online store that delivers cakes and sweets nationwide.

Facilitating equipment management
We designed key views for an advanced ITSM-class application used for hardware management in companies and corporations (Service Desk).

Changing with taste
We were responsible for creating a visual concept, and then designing an online store operating in the German market.

Verifying before production
We conducted user testing and carried out a CAWI survey for the proposed name of a self-service application (self-care) for a leader in the insurance industry.

Helping connect caregivers and owners
We implemented a redesign of the UX/UI layer for a startup connecting dog owners with temporary caregivers.
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something together!