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Personalization: 3 sources of user data

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Where do we get the information we need to create fully personalized experiences? Below are three types of sources from which we draw, needed in the personalization process, information about our audience.

Demographic data

The simplest and at the same time necessary data to create the correct personalization on the site. However, even from such a piece of data, which determines the gender and age of the user, more can be squeezed out than in the absence of any information.

basic gender data can provide enough information needed to match the site. For example, a dress shop will be more aimed at women, so it will be recommended to them.

Determination age group will help predict which product will be most in demand (as a representative of a particular demographic), and which will go unnoticed.

Geographical data

Location of the place of stay allows you to suggest places, apart from the online store, that the user should visit. For example, a customer who is on the website of a shoe store, can instantly check the information about the nearest stationary point where the shipment will be waiting for him.

Location data also allows you to adjust the language to the recipient or exercise control over the displayed, available assortment in a given place.

Behaviors on the Web

Based on online behavior such as previous user choices we are able to determine which of the categories will catch his attention, which will translate into an extended stay in our online store. Knowing the preferences of the client, we can present the products that are most interesting to him in the form of a bar with recommended products.

Search history is another treasure trove of knowledge that can contribute to the recommendation of the most sought-after products of recent times.

Another form of “learning” the behavior of our recipient is inference from the products added to the cart. In such a view, it is worth considering when designing a place to present the most frequently selected products in this category by other users, thereby contributing to an increase in sales.


59% of consumers say that it is easier for them to find interesting products in personalized online stores (according to statistics published by Invesp). However, it is worth remembering that this process takes time and action (e.g. regular testing) to ultimately work at the highest level, providing users with properly tailored content.

Personalization increases user engagement (more interactions, returns to the site), while affecting a lower bounce rate, and this in turn translates into increased profits and building a stable relationship with the customer.

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